The Local Employment Planning Council (LEPC) is pleased to announce the release of its employer resource guide: “Programs and Services at Work for Local Employers.” The guide showcases employers throughout the London Economic Region (LER)  who found the right talent by utilizing various programs and services offered locally. The guide will be used over the course of the pilot project during our continued outreach to employers.

According to both the 2016 EmployerOne and Hard to Fill Jobs Report 2016 employers indicated that two of the top four challenges in providing training or education for employees were that relevant training was not offered locally and that they were unaware of existing training programs.

The LEPC conducted many interviews within the LER to hear what employers had to say about accessing some of the programs and services available. This resource provides real examples, from industry, on how they found the right person for their company by accessing various programs and services offered locally.

Do you have a great story to tell? We’d love to share it. Contact us today!

Click here to download a copy of the resource guide.