Are you having a hard time filling positions? There can be challenges in attracting the right talent but according to Research Lead, Tyler Sutton of The Public Sector Digest, it is improving. From a small family business to a tech firm of fifty employees, The Public Sector Digest Inc. has successfully attracted and retained local talent in the Forest City. What started out in 2003 as a publication for municipal managers has now grown to include a webinar series, benchmarking tools for municipal governments and software applications to help government’s better plan for the future.

According to the 2016 Employer One Survey results, most employers hire by word of mouth, but that’s not the case for this tech firm. Sutton says when it comes to acquiring talent, they post on University or College job boards or in the local newspaper. "It’s about tailoring your job posting to the right audience. So it’s posting wherever [you] can, to make sure [you’re] getting that exposure and getting those applicants in. We don’t restrict posting only in London… it’s whatever platform makes the most sense."

While you may need a specific technical skill set or a specific language to program software, Sutton says it’s really about trying to find someone who has a passion for the company and fits within their corporate culture. He says he utilizes co-op and internship programs offered at Western University, Fanshawe College, The University of Waterloo and Lambton College to give students real life experience in hopes of having them stay within the company. "We do our best to create opportunities for young talent in the City to come work for us, get to know us and the many departments and divisions that we have, so that we are building the talent pipeline and can have experienced younger staff," says Sutton.

Of course it can be tough retaining those employees without the proper strategy. Sutton says some staff had never been to London before moving for the job. He says the company hosts monthly town hall meetings to encourage staff feedback, in hopes of maintaining that family-like environment. He says employees are also encouraged to take online courses or additional training to help them grow their skills. Furthermore, Sutton says opportunities are frequently provided for staff to collaborate between the different divisions of the company because the more ideas there are the better the results. The company is also a member of Emerging Leaders, an organization focused on the retention, development and engagement of emerging talent so, it has helped provide their staff a chance to expand their network and get involved in the community, which could be one of the reasons The Public Sector Digest is so successful at retaining their talent pool. Apart from fostering a great corporate culture, Sutton says there has been a shift in the traditional incentives offered to employees in order to keep them happy (i.e. more benefits and more vacation time). He says those incentives do have a place today, but more importantly, employees see the value in a corporate culture with opportunities to get out of the office, learn, experience and keep growing within the company. "Those are the big game changers that seem to create excitement and keep staff engaged in their job."